Monday, May 29, 2006

at last, I knew the truth

I didin't want to know but now
I know the truth.

It's bitter and painful but
It's true.

No one can change it.
I can not
you can not

I hate myself, I hate.

Only I can do is
to accept as it is.

I know it should take long time to cure.
long time...

Sunday, May 28, 2006

are you there ? listen to our praying

I was shocked to hear the news about earthquake hit upon Java.
How come ... 3000 lives had gone ?

I hope the damage never extent anymore.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

one more day to.....

It's been heavy days this week because of stressful work.
one more warking day to holiday..... aaarrr, I need relaxed time to mend !

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Sanjya Festival

Good! it's sunny day !

we went to Sanjya Festival (one of most famous festival in japan) .

very croud of people in asakusa..... taihendesu.

you can see short videp clip here :)

over the rainbow


after the heavy showere, there was a rainbow !
...the rainbow soon disappeared.

poor, I forgot to take a photo because it's too amazing.

I was in a train then, and I heard school boy talking to his friends.

"Does the rainbow encircle the globe ? I believe so"

his friends laughed to him saying but

boy, I can say you tell a truth.

.... although I don't know you pass the sci-exam or not :p

Thursday, May 18, 2006

like a child

usually, May is a beautiful month with blue sky, sunshine and fresh breeze.
but this year, it's been almost cloudy/rainy days since end of GW...
I'm afraid if the rainy season will set in without sunny days.
surely, I'm longing for the blue sky, but I don't mean I'm depressed by cloudy weather.

because ?

I know I can see the sun's always shining if I could jump higher than the clouds.
only I have to do is...


like a child :)

Sunday, May 14, 2006

all the world to me

all the world to me
all the world to me

you smile, sun shines
you walk, flower blooms
you talk, breeze sings
you sleep, moon smiles

the world is so beautiful

your laughter is my energy
your footstep is my milestone
your voice is my music
your dream is my dream

you are all the world
to me.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

like no other

Happiest week in my life :)

I knew the world is beautiful.

You taught me, thank you.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

happy man

happy man here :)

1000 words, 10000words are not enough for him to express his feelings.

Angel will see him sleeping with smile tonight soon.