Friday, June 30, 2006

half of the year

has just passed.

summer comes.

time flies, time flies.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

no capability

i know I am an ordinary, boring man.

i have no talent to create anything.

but i want to be a man for you.

for you.

Sunday, June 25, 2006


can you find me ?

June is a rainy season in Japan.
it's been cloudy/rainy these days but yesterday
it's sunny and hot day !
people went out for a walk and enjoy sunlight and the breez :)

I also went to Kamakura for watching hydrangea blossom.
Happy day in the rainy season :)

you can see the movie here,
and another movie here.

Friday, June 23, 2006

happiness is just a ...

last night, my partner cooked fried noodle for our dinner.

it's just a little thing.

but it made me feel happy :)

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

My wish is my friends lucky

I can do anything for my friends lucky.
God, listen my praying !

Monday, June 19, 2006

treat every moment as our precious stone

life is not eternal,
one must go someday.

one of my friends said "good-by" to us last Tuesday.
it's very sudden to us.

life is uncertain,
but one must live for the day.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

about my age...

finally, I got a Nintendo DS light and tried the exam and the result is.....


who is 56 !?

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

new star in heaven

today, I could find the new star in the sky.

this morning,
I was told ... "He's gone".

He's 37 y/o.... too young to go...

and his web site.... still remains.... his heart/thinking/life is living there...
it's sad or... ?

It's cloudy tonight,
but I believe I could see the new star in the heaven.

Good night... sleep well.... souchan.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

I like chopin

one of my favorite song in June.... is

"I like Chopin" by Gasebo.

Japanese female singer, Asami Kobayasi covered this song.
Its japanese title is "雨音はショパンの調べ"

it's not bad to stay in the room, hearing the sound of rain drops.... alone.
I'm falling into my memories... memories...

Friday, June 09, 2006

happy bonus !?

ho ho ho !

it's bonus day today !

this time, my performance was evaluated as "HIGH".
it's second of five rating.

S uperior +3 point
H igh +2
A chieved +1
B asis regular
C ome on !? -n

so I got xxxxxx yen more than the regulaer basis..... hohoho :D

Thursday, June 08, 2006

getting weight

7 days has just passed since I stoped smoking.

I feel I'm getting some weight bit by bit.

hummmm.... one year after, you'll find "BIG Masa" then :P

Saturday, June 03, 2006

my BAD habit(2)

my bad habit is.... SMOKING.
I've been smoke for... 27 years but,

Finally, I decided to stop smoking !!!

reason 1:
I don't wnat to make friends who don't smoke feel unconfortable anymore.

reason 2:
smoking makes my room and cloths dirty.

reason 3:
for anti-aging :P

I stop smoking day before yesterday.
I do hope I have a strong will !

Friday, June 02, 2006

my BAD habit

you know, it's..... (to be continued)

Thursday, June 01, 2006

life is good because

we are not alone.

With a great support from my friend ( if he doesn't mind, I'd like to say, he's my best friend.... another life of me) and from my good staff, I can do the things even it seems tough.

thank you.