Saturday, August 26, 2006

I Girasoli - sunflower -

"Antonio Vivo!"

even in the crushing desperate situation,
she still believed.
nothing could strike her.
she is so strong till the end.

I cried many times while seeing the movie.... many times.

listen the music from "sunflower" here
or MIDI here.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

thank you for the red mango

yummmmmmmmmmm !

life is so sweet !
isn't it ?

Thank you for the blue sky

Thank you for being with me in this beautiul world.

And I hope you feel happy seeing this video too :)

Monday, August 14, 2006

Everyone's waiting

everyone is waiting.

yes, we are waiting.

for ?

yes, something good for us.

are you waiting too ?


it's "hope".