Sunday, March 12, 2006

Hug after quarrel

I am obsessed with self-hatred always after quarrel with my partner.

We need more tolerance to each others.

Hurting someone means Hurting myself.



Blogger dtkuma said...

I guess you have good temper ( at least, much better than me ).

haha, that's why i always choose to stay away with anyone when i know my temper is going to become worse. :)

the best way to forgive yourself is to forgive people's mistake too. :)

really so much to learn in life. ganbarimashou.

March 13, 2006 1:28 AM  
Blogger まー said...

dtkuma san:

Oh.... blashing.
I have not good temper at all.
Some said " You are the instantaneous hot-water heater !", Haha, I know I am a hothead.

Don't worry. We are already mended as usual :)

Our fight is usually... such as "the game" ?

Thank you for your care, dtkuma san :)

March 14, 2006 9:22 PM  
Blogger まー said...

Jak san:

Hello :)
This is our first talk, isn't it ?
Thank you for your message.

Hummmm.. blashing again.
As I said to dtkuma san above, I am not a good person at all.
Though, I am very glad to hear you feel something about my message here. Thank you :)




March 14, 2006 9:30 PM  

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