Saturday, March 18, 2006


Spring is another starting season for Japanese.
The young finish school and start their new life to next stage.
Young people sometimes weep in their graduation ceremony.
Their beautiful eyedrops come from the sorrow of parting ?
That's yes but I guess one more reason.
They may feel "Hopes and Fears" to their new life which has just begun.

Boys and Girls, remember, Parting means New Encounter.
Do not afraid. Do not be in sorrow.

The Cherry blossom always watches your new starting. Look, it's ready to bloom for you.


Blogger dtkuma said...

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March 18, 2006 6:20 PM  
Blogger dtkuma said...

The cherry blossom will bloom for the old man like me as well?? haha

but...i also remember it's the "masking" season to Masa san too. Right?

I am waiting for the beautiful photos of "sakura" this year too.

March 18, 2006 6:22 PM  
Blogger まー said...

jak san:
sometimes, we close the window when it's cold or stormy outside,
but if someone knocks, let our window open and let him in :)

March 19, 2006 9:20 AM  
Blogger まー said...

dtkuma san:
Haha, don't worry.
The cherry bloom for everyone even for me who is older than you :P

This year, pollen shed is less because of climate. So my allergy sympton is mild. Even so, I wear mask to be safe.

I will continue Sakura watching till they bloom and put some photos here, I hope you will enjoy :)

March 19, 2006 9:33 AM  

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