Sunday, March 19, 2006

Happiness in Heaven ?

I have some movies that make me weeping.
MARCELINO PAN Y VINO is one of those movies.
I first met this movie when I was 20's.

I know I am not so emotinal, rather reasonable person.
But why I cry whenever I watch this movie ?
... no... I confess, I cried just hearing the melody of the guiter playing in this movie today...
I can't explain what is this feeling.
Not sorrow, Not Saddness.... why I cry ?

I can't find out the reason of my tear yet...


Blogger dtkuma said...

i never know this film. i forget if this movie has shown in my city or not. when i was a kid, the most impressive movie is Star Wars or E.T.

Maybe I should try to find the video or DVD of that.

I guess everybody has that experience to weep and love a movie so much and can't name of a real reason; like my favorite "Amelia". It made me laugh and weep and so as its music. :)

March 20, 2006 2:45 AM  
Blogger まー said...

we can laugh, cry and love.
that's human.
and we don't undestund ourselves,
what we are,
what we want to,
waht we are going to.

But I can say,
we can laugh, cry and

dtkuma san,
I recommend you to watch this movie... absolutely.

March 20, 2006 10:48 PM  

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