Friday, April 21, 2006

Happy Wedding Banquet !?

I'm invited my staff's wedding tommorow.

It's very happy thing to celebrate his new life with his wife :)
but.... I have to make a speech as a guest of honor at the banquet...
oh...Speaking in front of a lot of people is really scary for me !
You know I'm a so timid person and shy.
I'm afraid my voice might wobble and I should sweat by supertension...Arrrrrrrr....

Anyway, now I'm thinking what to talk in my speech... arrrrr,urrrrrr,errrrrr....

How about recording my speech in advance and I just PUSH the button in secret ?


Blogger dtkuma said...

haha, i am even worse that my legs would keep shaking when i am on stage too.

haha, it's a good trick to record your speech in advance and push the button to "play" the speech when you are on stage but please also record with the background music..."Like A Virgin". Speech, Sing & Dance...every guests would be proud of you :P

April 22, 2006 9:05 PM  
Blogger まー said...

"Like a Virgin" ?



Haha, my speech was ..... terrible.
My voice was shaking.... oh...

I didn't dance but my junior staffs DO !
you can watch a very short movie in my latest log :)

it's very funny-ha-ha !

April 22, 2006 11:42 PM  

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