Friday, April 07, 2006

New Hopes

An initiation celemony of our division was held today.
This year, 70 fresh recruits enterd our division.
They are all young and seem nervous a bit.
(Haha, actually, they are the age of my children, if I had :P)

From next week, they will take training seminars to be conducted for new recruits for 3 months.
and then, we will welcomes them.

Wish their new life be happy and bright,
Of course, the path they go have up & down,
I believe they could overcome,
If we will support them.

Have courage to go forward !

Cheers :)


Blogger dtkuma said...

70 new, are you going to be the teacher to them too?

they would surely feel inspiring and energetic with your encouragement. they are lucky guys to have good seniors like you.


April 08, 2006 2:57 AM  
Blogger まー said...

Thank you dtkuma san :)

they've just step our for thier new life.

I remember my first step 24 years ago... hopes and fears inside.

watching their growing, and sometimes giving a little help if they need, it's our,seniors duty.

because we were also given a lot by our seniors :)

Passing down to next..
father to son,
senior to juniour...

very important for us to grow :)

April 08, 2006 8:54 AM  
Blogger まー said...

and friend to friend :)

April 08, 2006 8:57 AM  
Blogger まー said...

heart to heart...

April 08, 2006 8:58 AM  

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