Monday, April 10, 2006

Only Sakura knows my wish

I was invited sakura party yesterday.
warm and mild day.
enjoyed good foods (some were home-made) and wine.
happy talk with friends (though I just meet them onece a year... only in this party).

putting the shoes off and laying down on the soft lawn.
smell of a grass... warm sunlight...sound of freinds voices... time goes slowly...
daydreaming ?

I talk to myself in my head.

"...wish you were here"

It's only sakura blossom listens my saying...


Blogger dtkuma said...

home-made sakura cake? wow...

the wind will carry your voice together with the happy talking voices of your friends; fly over the ocean...eventually...someone could listen the voices and share your happiness 1000 oceans apart.

oh...the wind also can carry the smell of good foods...sniff sniff... I can smell !! I am hungry now. any left-over food ??

April 10, 2006 10:30 PM  
Blogger まー said...

in deed, under the sakura,
we can feel happy feeling there.

you should go when you come to japan next time.

Let's have a party together :)

April 11, 2006 10:32 PM  

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