Wednesday, April 12, 2006



finished big business meeting succesfully. really big success.

we ( my staffs and I ) have been working on this meeting for ... one years.

we have done ! we have done !

after meeting, we had small party for celebrating our success.

"thank you so much for your effort, we've done..."

haha, something dropped from my eyes... in front of them.


well, we go for tommorow now !


Blogger dtkuma said...

congratulation too!!

congratulate for the great sucess and congratulate for a respectable senior!!

finally, you can relaxe for a while now.:)

April 13, 2006 2:05 AM  
Blogger まー said...

I know I am hard on my staffs sometimes...
It's hard for me too.
Noone who wants to be a hard person.
But sometimes it's neccesary to do when we are faced to difficult things.

I believed them,
and I believed they undestood me.

and finally,
We've got it.

I can't stop saying them thank you.

I love them.

April 13, 2006 10:58 PM  

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