Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Feel the Spring

Japanese saying, "Summer heat or winter cold doesn't last after the equinox".
Yeah, it's very fine day and warm sunshine :)

It's natinal holiday too ( my partner is on duty though...).
Dinner tonight was "Tenpura" of wild plants and grasses in the spring for my partner.
They were so tasty and we enjoy the spring from thier aroma :)

I hope my special dish make him happy !


Blogger dtkuma said...

spring vegetable tempura!! delicious. but i always perfer "ebi" shrimp tempura the best.

glad to know that you have a good holiday. I envy as i have to work hard today. taihen desu. :)

March 21, 2006 10:47 PM  
Blogger まー said...

Haha, I know you love EBI TENPURA next to TONKATSU :)

Well, I will cook for you so that you get energey for tommorow :)


March 21, 2006 11:34 PM  

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