Friday, April 28, 2006

Wings to fly


I got my wings to fly

to far away.

with these wings you gave me,

I can fly to you.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Trust me, Believe you... it is love.

"Do you promise ?"

"I do"

Her school mate gave them sincere words,

"respect each other and trust each other"

we never forget her words.

"I trust you"

and then,
the party went crazy :)

See my staff's funny entertainment !

Friday, April 21, 2006

Happy Wedding Banquet !?

I'm invited my staff's wedding tommorow.

It's very happy thing to celebrate his new life with his wife :)
but.... I have to make a speech as a guest of honor at the banquet...
oh...Speaking in front of a lot of people is really scary for me !
You know I'm a so timid person and shy.
I'm afraid my voice might wobble and I should sweat by supertension...Arrrrrrrr....

Anyway, now I'm thinking what to talk in my speech... arrrrr,urrrrrr,errrrrr....

How about recording my speech in advance and I just PUSH the button in secret ?

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Far Away

Last night, I met this song by happen.

"Far Away" by Libera

I almost cried out to hear thier voices, sound and words...

you can hear their songs/movie here.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

even they can fly to me

when I woke up this morning,
I felt something diffrent.
Hummm.... what is this feeling ?

looked up the sky from the window and found dark sun there.
I thought it's misty weather at first, but it's not true.
it's an effect of yellow sand from China main land, the news said.
( The news said, it's 6 years since they come to Tokyo area)

they can fly here over the ocean... from far away.
then, why I can't fly there on the wind ?

on the wind.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

remedy for life... it's T...

finally, the rain stopped before sundown.
though it's still cold a bit, I felt better.

to get energy for fighting agains hard life,
I cooked POWER FOOD for dinner.

yum... yum, YUM !

now, I've got the power !

winter re-visit

cold & rainy sunday morning.
very cold here.

now I need a rest in my bed again... let me sleep for a while.
I wish it would be sunny sky when I get up again.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006



finished big business meeting succesfully. really big success.

we ( my staffs and I ) have been working on this meeting for ... one years.

we have done ! we have done !

after meeting, we had small party for celebrating our success.

"thank you so much for your effort, we've done..."

haha, something dropped from my eyes... in front of them.


well, we go for tommorow now !

Monday, April 10, 2006

Only Sakura knows my wish

I was invited sakura party yesterday.
warm and mild day.
enjoyed good foods (some were home-made) and wine.
happy talk with friends (though I just meet them onece a year... only in this party).

putting the shoes off and laying down on the soft lawn.
smell of a grass... warm sunlight...sound of freinds voices... time goes slowly...
daydreaming ?

I talk to myself in my head.

"...wish you were here"

It's only sakura blossom listens my saying...

Friday, April 07, 2006

New Hopes

An initiation celemony of our division was held today.
This year, 70 fresh recruits enterd our division.
They are all young and seem nervous a bit.
(Haha, actually, they are the age of my children, if I had :P)

From next week, they will take training seminars to be conducted for new recruits for 3 months.
and then, we will welcomes them.

Wish their new life be happy and bright,
Of course, the path they go have up & down,
I believe they could overcome,
If we will support them.

Have courage to go forward !

Cheers :)

Monday, April 03, 2006

Let it in .... ?


... I've heard about this famous "shrine ritual" few days ago from my friend but..

What can I say after seeing this photo !?

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Let me in

It's me...

I'm home back...

I hear someone knock the door.

It's you ?

It's me...

I'm so cold... let me in...

It's stormy tonight.

It must be a sound of strong wind.

It's me...

It's me...


It must be a sound of wild wind.

Lock every windows and doors.

Now, the voice stops.

But why my soul is crying out ?

Let me know...

It's you ?

It's me...

Let me see you...

It's you ?

It's me...

It's me...

It's me...

Saturday, April 01, 2006

April Fool !?

Measure indicates my age is 35 !?

Haha, it's april fool's day today ?

Guess my real age... Younger or Older ???